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67-271 Fundamentals of System Development I

Department:H&SS Interdisciplinary
Prerequisites:15-111 or 15-121 or 15-200 or 15-211
Related URLs:none

This is an introductory course in software systems analysis and design and project management. The course will cover contemporary themes and issues involved in developing high quality software systems that meet users' expectations. Students will learn the basic theory, techniques and skills that systems analysts need to develop and document requirements and project plans for complex information systems projects. Since software system development practice is a rapidly evolving area, a cross-section of current, as well as time tested best practices methods will be presented. The course consists of these main components: overview of systems analysis and design, lifecycle and process issues, requirements articulation with use cases, object models and diagramming and documentation tools and techniques, and project management, including issues of software quality and metrics. Concepts will be mastered through a combination of assigned readings, class attendance, homework assignments and mini-projects. Grades will be assigned by weighting assignments together with midterm and final examinations. Expected section size is 60.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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