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70-424 Corporate Financial Reporting

Department:Business Administration
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This course is designed to stregthen your ability to correctly interpret financial statements and their accompanying disclosures. The course is aimed at anyone whose career might involve working with accounting data, and should be especially useful for those intersted in consulting and financial analysis. Throughtout the semester we will discuss the key disclosure rules in the United States, the communication methods available to managers, managers' incentives and ability to exert discretion over reported earnings, and the interplay between a company's corporate strategy and its financial reporting policies and practices. The course revolves around a number of topics of recent interest to the business community including the quality of earnings, mergers and acquisitions, purchased R&D, post employment benefits, executive compensation, and intangible assets.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#223
Rank in this department:#14

  Students also scheduled
70-492 Investment Analysis
70-495 Corporate Finance
70-345 Oral Communications
88-324 Electoral Systems and Processes
73-251 Economic Theory
88-120 Reason, Passion and Cognition
21-270 Introduction to Mathematical Financ...
21-260 Differential Equations
70-498 Futures and Swaps
70-480 International Marketing

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 12:00 - 1:20 pm T Gu SH 125 Add course to my schedule
R Gu SH 125
B 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Gu SH 125 Add course to my schedule
R Gu SH 125

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