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80-244 Environment Management and Ethics

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Participants in this course will examine and pose answers to the following question: "What are the legitimate environmental responsibilities of organizational managers and how can they be fulfilled?" This query will provide the course with its major theme and framework. But in order to do justice to it, three interrelated areas that are presupposed by this question will need to be explored first. These areas are: 1) ethics, 2) management ethics and 3) environmental ethics. The first half of the course will concentrate upon these three areas. The second half of the course will explore answers to the lead question about management and the environment by employing the insights gained during the first half. Here participants will first empirically review and evaluate past and current management practices with respect to the environment, organizational policies on the environment and the role of government in the process of determining environmental responsibilities in management. Environmental concerns on the international level and their impact upon organizational management, the emergence of the "environmental affairs manager" within organizations, balancing environmental responsibilities with other management responsibilities and examples of management responses to environmental crises will also be examined during this portion of the course. Case studies in management, environment and ethics will be analyzed.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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