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57-408 Form and Analysis

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Form and Analysis is an upper level "Music Support" course for Juniors and Seniors who have completed the undergraduate required music theory curriculum in harmony and counterpoint. Prerequisites include: Theory I, II, III and IV or the equivalent courses. This course provides a working understanding of all styles and genres of Western classical and contemporary repertoire. Students will explore various aspects of the compositional process, from basic organizational structures to the details of individual musical phrases. They will learn to see and to hear the most important compositional features of a piece of music and will develop a deeper understanding of the music they perform, conduct, and compose.

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  Students also scheduled
57-512 Major Studio (Clarinet)
57-418 Major Instrumental Ensemble
57-306 World Music
57-291 Keyboard Studies III
57-163 Eurhythmics III
51-261 Communication Design Fundamentals
48-100 Architecture Design Studio: Form

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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