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05-631 Software Architecture for User Interfaces

Department:Human Comp. Interaction
Co-requisites:15-211 , 15-212
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This course is intended for those with advanced programming skills who want to do serious development of graphical user interfaces. This course includes an: introduction to task anaylsis and functional design of the user interface; basic principles of computer graphics used in UI implementation; event handling and event dispatching models; screen update algorithms and multi-view architectures;im/nput syntax formalisms and their transformation into programs; interactive geometry; architectures for advanced features such as cut/copy/past, macros, and groupware. Prerequisites: undergraduate degree in computer science or permission of the instructor. JAVA will be the programming platform used in this course.

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  Students also scheduled
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51-725 Introduction to Interaction & Visua...
51-383 Conceptual Models
05-832 Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent ...
51-833 Advanced Interaction & Visual Inter...
51-243 Prototyping
51-701 Graduate Design Seminar I

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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