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48-564 Furniture Design & Construction

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The fall course is structured through assignments and demonstrations which allow the students to review and develop the basic woodworking skills and knowledge of processes to which they were introduced to in their first year. While developing manual skills these exercises also require the exploration of new design issues. Generally two or three short duration exercises are given in the first half of the semester. These are followed by a furniture construction project for the entire class which comprises the work for the second half of the semester. Some recent exercise topics which have been explored are: 1) The creation of pattern through lamination and inlay, particularly the creation of a repeatable module; 2) The integration of pattern into stick and frame bui! lt furniture; 3) The experimentation with concavity and convexity; 4) The integration of straight and curved elements in furniture.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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