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10-810 Computational Molecular Biology: A Machine Learning Approach

Department:Center for Auto. Learning & Disc.
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This course focuses on modern machine learning methodologies for computational problems in molecular biology and genetics, including probabilistic modeling, inference and learning algorithms, Bayesian methods, pattern recognition, data fusion, time series analysis, etc. We will discuss the following biological problems: 1) Analysis of high throughput biological data, such as gene expression data, focusing on issues ranging from data acquisition to pattern recognition and classification. 2) Computational genomics, focusing on gene finding, motifs detection, sequence evolution and comparative genomics. 3) Systems biology, concerning how to combine sequence, expression and other biological data sources (protein-protein interaction, protein-DNA binding and more) to infer the structure and function of different systems in the cell.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1298
Rank in this department:#2

  Students also scheduled
79-104 Introduction to World History
21-112 Calculus II
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62-218 Sparta, Greece: Inquiry and Vision
51-262 Communication Design Fundamentals
67-101 Colloquium: Perspectives in Informa...
51-231 Calligraphy I

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm M Xing, Bar-Joseph WEH 4615A Add course to my schedule
W Xing, Bar-Joseph WEH 4615A

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