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79-398 Environmental History and Politics Since Silent Spring

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This course explores the development of the modern environmental movement and its impact on American politics since the publication of Rachel Carsons landmark study, Silent Spring, in 1962. It also examines the role of the state in creating and enforcing meaningful environmental regulations at a time when people were transitioning from a conservation approach to natural resources to a health or environment-based approach. Topics that will receive particular attention include toxic waste cleanup, river and drinking water regulations, water conservation in the west, agriculture, and the distinct interrelationships between urban and rural environments and their constituencies.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1147
Rank in this department:#45

  Students also scheduled
79-364 Art, Anthropology, and Empire
76-396 Writing and the Public Interest
51-499 Senior Independent Study
51-488 Design, Management and Organization...
51-342 How People Work with Things
51-314 Solar Decathalon 2005
73-420 Monetary Theory and Policy
73-372 International Money and Finance
70-498 Futures and Swaps
70-401 Management Game

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 12:30 - 1:20 pm M Day DH A310 Add course to my schedule
W Day DH A310
F Day DH A310

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