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19-615 Special Topics in Systems and Control: Multi Agent Systems

Department:Eng. & Public Policy
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Multi-agent systems are essential for the control and planning of complex artifacts such as traffic systems and communication networks. This course will deal with the properties and design of multi-agent systems. The topics that will be covered are: 1.A taxonomy of natural and artificial agents. 2.Exemplars of multi-agent systems, including insect societies, and complex networks, such as the electric grid. 3.Distributed decision-making and its enabling technologies: optimization, dynamics, game theory, distributed artificial intelligence, and computational organization theory. 4.A survey of agent-related subjects: artificial life, cellular automata, epidemiology, evolutionary biology, and systems with emergent properties. 5.Applications areas for multi-agent systems, particularly, complex networks, critical infrastructure and markets. Requirements: Students will contribute to, and occasionally lead, in-class discussions of reading assignments from the literature. There will be some homework assignments, and each student will also prepare a report covering an aspect of multi-agent systems of the students choice. The reports will entail a sequence of tasks and presentations throughout the semester.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1315
Rank in this department:#18

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 am - 12:20 pm M Morel, Talukdar DH 1211 Add course to my schedule
W Morel, Talukdar DH 1211

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