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19-613 Industries and Technological Innovation: Positions, Paths and Progress

Department:Eng. & Public Policy
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This course provides an introduction to the exciting area of technological innovation. It will reflect an applied, industry oriented approach, and will emphasize empirical studies. The essence of the course revolves around a comparative analysis of how different industries develop, manage and disseminate new technologies. These will include software and the internet, automotive, semiconductors, biotech, chemicals, steel, among others. A wide range of issues will be covered, including what is product and process innovation, the role of intellectual property, coping with radical vs. incremental change, the management of knowledge, etc. The course will discuss specific industries and particular technologies, but no particular background in each technology is required for participation.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1026
Rank in this department:#10

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 11:30 am - 1:20 pm M Veloso PH 225B Add course to my schedule
W Veloso PH 225B

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