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39-100 Special Topics: WHAT IS ENGINEERING?

Department:CIT Interdisciplinary
Special permission:Yes
Related URLs:

Being master of your fate in our world of ever-increasing technological complexity demands that everyone is to some extent familiar with things technical. It is even more important for professionals who will work alongside engineers carrying out projects. After completing this course you will have a better understanding of the contributions of engineering to modern society, how engineers see and think about the world, what the 3big issues2 for engineers are, what9s involved in the different fields of engineering, and the tools engineers use. Open to first and second year students in all non-engineering majors. Prerequisites: None. Admission with permission of instructor.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#988
Rank in this department:#6

  Students also scheduled
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33-102 Concepts of Modern Physics
82-343 Latin America: Language and Culture
33-107 Physics II for Engineering Students
21-260 Differential Equations
06-100 Introduction to Chemical Engineerin...
33-114 Physics of Musical Sound

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Wesner SH 208 Add course to my schedule
R Wesner SH 208

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