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33-444 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics

Prerequisites:33-234 and 33-338
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Description of our understanding of nuclei, elementary particles, and quarks, with equal emphasis on the nuclear and particle aspects of sub-atomic matter. We discuss the physics of accelerators, and how particle interactions with matter lead to various kinds of detector instrumentation. Then we discuss methods for measuring sub-atomic structure, symmetries and conservation laws, and the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions. We examine the quark model of the mesons and baryons, as well as several models of the atomic nucleus.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#768
Rank in this department:#25

  Students also scheduled
33-302 Undergraduate Colloquium IV
33-446 Advanced Quantum Physics II
33-340 Modern Physics Laboratory
69-155 Aerobic Fitness
18-517 Data Storage Systems Design Project
18-303 Engineering Electromagnetics
82-172 Elementary Japanese II
33-652 Introduction to String Theory
82-171 Elementary Japanese I
33-332 Physical Mechanics II

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:30 - 10:20 am M Quinn DH A301D Add course to my schedule
W Quinn DH A301D
F Quinn DH A301D

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