Jenny Lin

About Me

Jenny Lin in front of a serviceberry tree
jennylin at cs dot cmu dot edu
EDSH (Smith Hall) 234

I'm a PhD Candidate in Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Science Department, advised by James McCann. Prior to that I got my B.E. in Computer Science and Molecular Biology at MIT. My research is focused on computational fabrication, with a particular interest in low-level computer representations that advance our understanding of real world phenomenon.

I'll be going on the job market in Fall 2023, so keep an eye on this space for application materials. Until then, you can look at my CV.

Select Publications


I served as TA for CMU's Computational Photography class in Fall of 2020 and 2021. In addition to running office hours and grading assignments, I converted existing course assignments from MATLAB to Python. I've also been a guest lecturer for the Algorithm Textiles course at CMU (2019 & 2021) and the E-Textiles course at University of Washington (2021), where I taught students how to write transfer plans for machine knitting programs.


In Spring 2020 I taught a class on wallpaper groups for TechNights, a CMU program aimed at introducing STEM concepts to middle school girls. Furthermore, I've co-run Knitout Office Hours (KOOH) since Fall of 2018, where the Textiles Lab provides knitting machine access and instruction to the greater CMU community. If you're interested in learning to machine knit, email me or James McCann for information about current hours.

From 2019-2022 I served as a chair on the organizing committee for SIGBOVIK, a serious conference about 100% serious computer science adjacent research where many young researchers get their first taste of academic writing (actually serious). Notably, I made SIGBOVIK 2019's website, which was voted website of the year by at least one person that was not me.