Assistant Research Professor
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Office: 2621 Newell-Simon Hall
Admin assistant: Becky Wang
🌈 I will be taking on new PhD students in Fall'24. Please apply via the HCII PhD program. I'm also looking for a postdoc in the broad area of Responsible AI, please apply via the CBI Fellowship Program!
I'm an interdisciplinary scholar situated at the intersection of human-computer interaction, communications, and public policy. Broadly, I study the social, ethical and policy implications of digital platforms and algorithmic systems, with a strong emphasis on bias, fairness, social justice and power relations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. My work has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation, Amazon Research, Cisco Research, Google Research, Microsoft Research, The Public Interest Technology University Network, Block Center for Technology and Society, CyLab, and more. A complete list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar page.
I'm very fortunate to advise and work with the following inspiring students: Jini Kim (co-advised with Jodi Forlizzi), Ningjing Tang (co-advised with Hoda Heidari).
I'm recruiting students who are interested in working on the following three interrelated research questions (but I'm always open to hear your thoughts):