Current Doctoral Students Supervision/Co-Supervision
  1. Rakeb Mazhar Islam, “Automated Cyber Deception”, 2016- current.
  2. Mohiuddin Ahmed, “Distributed Security Analytics”, 2016-current.
  3. Ehsan Aghaei, "Automated Vulnerability Analytics and Mitigation: Classification, Prediction and Mitigation", 2017-current 
  4. Basel Abdeen, “Analytics of Cyber Threat Intelligence”, 2019- current.
  5. Moumita Das Purba, “Analytics of Cyber Threat Intelligence”, 2019- current.
  6. MD Sajid "Malware Analysis for Cyber Deception", 2017-current
Past Doctoral Students Supervision/Co-Supervision
  1. Ashotush Dutta, “Autonomous Cyber Defense”, 2015-current (expected Feb 15, 2021).
  2. Ghaith Husari, “Analytics and Automation of Cyber Intelligence Information Sharing*”, 2014-2019.
  3. Mohamed Alsaleh, “Metrics, Verification and Synthesis of Cyber Resiliency Configuration”, 2011-April 2018.
  4. Haadi Jafarian*, “Cyber Agility for Deterrence and Deception”, (Assistant Professor at University of Colorado Denver), 2018.
  5. Fida Gilani, “Software-Defined Cyber Agility for Active Cyber Defense”, (Optim), 2017.
  6. Mohamed Qasim Ali, “Intrusion Detection and Deterrence for Smart Grids”, (Symantec Labs), 2016.
  7. Ashiq Rahman, “Automated Formal Analytics for Smart Grid Security and Resiliency”,  (Assistant Professor at Tennessee Tech Univ), 2010.
  8. Yongning Tang, “Overlay Service Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis”, (Illinois State University, Associate Professor), 2008.
  9. Lopa Roychoudhuri, “Adaptive End-to-End Quality Control for Real-time Audio Packet Transmission”, (Angelo State University, Texas, Associate Professor) , 2009.
  10. Taghrid Samak, “Discovery, Generation and Analysis of Network Policy Configurations”,  (Senior Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, UCB) , 2010..
  11. Adel El-Atawy, “Traffic-aware Techniques for Network Security Applications”, 2010 (Google), 2010..
  12. Hazem Hamed, Verification and Optimization of Firewall Policies”,  (Cisco Systems), 2006.
  13. Tao Huang, (Advisor Antony Chung, DePaul University), Topic: “Conformance Testing of Communication Protocols Modeled By Extended Finite Sate Machine”, October 2007.
  14. Joe Elarde (advisor: G. Brewster, DePaul University), Thesis: "Performance Management of Web Transactions", May 2006
*approval pending due to committee requested refutation/corrections.

Current/Past DOCTORAL Student Co-Supervision and Committee Member
  1. Committee member and Graduate faculty representative for a PhD student (Timothy Kernicky.), Thesis: “Formal Approach for Structure Health Monitoring”, Civil Engineering, UNCC, 2018.
  2. Committee member and Graduate faculty representative for a PhD student (Waseem Shadeed), Thesis: “Computational Inverse Mechanics of a Highly Comminuted Tibia Fracture”, Electrical Engineering, UNCC, 2013.
  3. Committee member and Graduate faculty representative for a PhD student (Amitangshu Pal), Thesis: “Dynamic Routing with Cross-Layer Adaptations for Multi-hop Wireless Networks”, Electrical Engineering, UNCC, 2010.
  4. Subrata Acharya (advisor: Ty Znati, University of  Pittsburgh), Thesis:Dynamic Traffic Driven Architectures and Algorithms for Securing Networks”, , External Committee Member, September 2007.
  5. Manigandan Radhakrishnan (advisor: John Solworth, University of Illinois at Chicago), Thesis: "Toward Security Kernel Support”, External Committee Member , March 2007.
  6. Muhammad Nadzir Marsono (advisor: Fayez Gebali, University of Victoria, Canada), Thesis: “Towards Improving E-mail Content Classification for Spam Control: Architecture, Abstraction, and Strategies”,  August 2007.