Uses of Class

Packages that use Component

Uses of Component in edu.cmu.andrew.icalendar

Methods in edu.cmu.andrew.icalendar that return Component
private  Component VCalendarParser.parseComponent(BufferedReader r)
          given a stream at "BEGIN:", produce an object of that component
static Component VCalendarParser.parseArbitraryComponent(BufferedReader r)
          Constructs any valid iCalendar component from the input stream.
static Component Component.getInstance(String name, Map properties, List subComponents)
          Create a Property object of the correct type for name.

Uses of Component in edu.cmu.andrew.icalendar.components

Subclasses of Component in edu.cmu.andrew.icalendar.components
 class VAlarm
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:VALARM to END:VALARM
 class VCalendar
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:VCALENDAR to END:VCALENDAR.
 class VEvent
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:VEVENT to END:VEVENT
 class VFreeBusy
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:FREEBUSY to END:FREEBUSY
 class VJournal
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:VJOURNAL to END:VJOURNAL
 class VTimeZone
          A single ICalendar object from BEGIN:FREEBUSY to END:FREEBUSY
 class VTodo
          A single ICalendar object containing the todo component