88-272: Application Design & Development. This course helps students understand the design process and provides them with the concepts needed to design and develop effective software applications. The student will gain background in applying a user-centered design process through the development of a prototype application. Topics include user centered design and development; data storage and manipulation; structured query languages; and the development of web-based applications.

Professor Heimann discussing the deeper meanings in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Buttons on the left should direct students to relevant course materials (syllabus, lecture notes, lab and project assignments) that are being used for the Fall 2000 semester. The Learning Center button will direct students to a set of links and tutorials on web development.

Please note: this site contains relevant information for the Fall 2000 semester only. The site is maintained by Professor H, so any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to lheimann@andrew.cmu.edu. (Since Prof. H is only half-Klingon, don't worry -- you won't be 'killed you where you stand for offering your suggestion.')



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