Walker Group

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Various group pictures from the past


Graduate Students

Current Members:

Wingki Lee
Theresa LaFollette
Jeff Sheehan
Danny Kuntz
Eric Miller
Gita Seevaratnam
Danilo Pozzo
Michael Gerber

Former Members of the Group (and their snazzy new logos):

Marshall Lindsey       MS 2004 
Yenny Christanti       PhD 2002 
My Hang Truong       PhD 2002 
Brian Priore  PhD 2001 
Brian Thebaud  MS 1998 

Undergraduate Researchers (Summer 2001 - Spring 2006)

Joe McDermott ChE '06
Anita Shukla ChE '06
Kate Hollabaugh ChE '06
Alan Abel ChE '07
Jonathan Ng ChE '04
James Wertman ChE '03
Adam Welander ChE '04
Steven Clifford ChE '04
Anthony Balducci ChE '03
Alex Meyer ChE '02
Anastasia Gribik ChE '03
Details on undergraduate projects