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48-440 The American Built Environment to 1860

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This course examines the history of the American built environment from approximately 1000 through 1860. In addition to establishing the evolution of stylistic properties in architecture, we will be examining regional patterns in settlement and building, the use of building technologies, the architecture of a variety of social groups including Native American and immigrant cultures, the design of urban, suburban, and rural landscapes, the rise of the architectural profession, and the relationship among high-style, vernacular, and popular traditions. The built environment will be analyzed both as an artifact and as a signifier of broader social, cultural, and economic trends in America.

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  Students also scheduled
48-300 Architectural Drawing Studio: Site
48-312 Site Engineering and Foundations
48-310 Structures II
57-213 Dance (Tap) I
33-112 Physics II for Science Students
57-117 Choral Ensemble for Non-Majors
21-127 Concepts of Mathematics
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
21-260 Differential Equations
48-452 Design Economics

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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