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30-301 Basic Leader Planning and Combat Operations

Department:Army ROTC

This course offers an in-depth analysis and focused practical application of leadership and management techniques. The emphasis in the course is on leader development and the goal is to enhance the student's ability to perform effectively in a stressful decision-making environment. As such, time management, decision-making, advanced military skills, troop-leading procedures and advanced physical training are emphasized. The course requires participation in a demanding physical training program to prepare contracted students for the Army's R.O.T.C. Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC). Each student must participate in field training exercises and is expected to wear the Army uniform, which will be provided.

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  Students also scheduled
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54-381 History of Drama
57-215 Dance (Tap) III
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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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