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70-416 New Venture Creation

Department:Business Administration
Prerequisites:70-414 or 70-415
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This course is designed to be a follow on to Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Students working in teams develop and advance opportunities into coherent and persuasive business plans that serve as roadmaps for building and their businesses. The business plans include strategies for commercializing and marketing their products and/or services, for building their management teams, and for financing their ventures and projects. The end objective is for the student teams to produce compelling plans that will enable them to convince the outside world that their ventures and projects represent opportunities that are viable with a substantial potential for success and with well understood and manageable risks. Students are encouraged to participate in business plan competitions and to seek financing for their projects. The course exposes students to the nuances of financing new ventures and getting them started legally. Prerequisite courses are 70-415 or 70- 414 (or the equivalent in MCS, CIT, or SCS)

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#466
Rank in this department:#25

  Students also scheduled
70-418 Financing Entrepreneurship Ventures
36-303 Sampling, Survey and Society
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70-481 Marketing Research I
70-101 Introduction to Business Management
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95-823 Mobile and Pervasive Computing
70-401 Management Game
70-342 Managing Across Cultures

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Culbertson PH A21A Add course to my schedule
R Culbertson PH A21A
B 10:30 - 11:50 am T Boni IA 259 Add course to my schedule
R Boni IA 259

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