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67-272 Application Design and Development

Department:H&SS Interdisciplinary
Prerequisites:15-111 or 15-121 or 15-200 or 15-211
Related URLs:none

This course provides students with the concepts and techniques to design and develop software applications, and to understand the design process. Students will learn the importance of user-centered design and will develop prototype applications. Students will develop competency with several key technologies used in web development and e-commerce and will learn the principles needed to make effective use of these technologies. To that end, lectures each week will focus on conceptual issues and principles for using and applying IS technologies. Topics include user centered design and development, database design concepts, Structured Query Language, and various supporting web technologies. Lab sections are conducted each week to give students hands-on experience with these technologies. Learning will be accomplished through assigned readings, lectures, homework assignments and projects. Grades will be assigned by weighting assignments together with midterm and final examinations. Expected section size is 60

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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