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66-250 Introduction to Religion

Department:H&SS Interdisciplinary

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the variety of intellectual disciplines by which the religions of mankind can be studied and some of the typical foci of such study. Topics to be covered in the course include: What is religion? Religious studies vis-'-vis theology; literary, historical, anthropological, sociological, psychological, philosophical, phenomenological approaches to religion; the sacred/holy; myth, symbol, doctrine; ritual; society and the sacred; deity; cosmogony, religious anthropology, theodicy; ethics, soteriology, eschatology; secularism and pluralism.

  Popularity index
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Rank in this department:#0

  Students also scheduled
85-219 Biological Foundations of Behavior
36-309 Experimental Design for Behavioral ...
85-241 Social Psychology
76-260 Survey of Forms: Fiction
76-294 Interpretive Practices
15-113 Systems Skills in C
09-518 Bioorganic Chemistry: Nucleic Acids...
09-344 Physical Chemistry (Quantum): Micro...
09-331 Modern Analytical Instrumentation
09-301 Undergraduate Seminar III

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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