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57-947 Sound Recording

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This course centers around the recording studio in the School of Music: how the studio works, and how to record various types of music, including classical music, using the recording studio and Kresge Recital Hall, which has audio and video links to the recording studio. The method of instruction is to learn by doing, and the goal, from the very first session, is to achieve professional-sounding results. Equipment includes a complete 24-track Pro-Tools system, professionally designed control room that can accommodate up to 24 people, outboard preamps and other gear, and an interesting array of microphones. All recording is direct to hard disc.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#758
Rank in this department:#38

  Students also scheduled
70-122 Introduction to Accounting
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
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18-200 Emerging Trends in Electrical and C...
12-600 AutoCAD
57-194 Skills of Accompanying II
57-182 Solfege II
57-153 Harmony II
57-417 Major Choral Ensemble

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 6:30 - 10:20 pm M Schulz CFA A6 Add course to my schedule
W Schulz CFA A6

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