(PWR) TUESDAY: help petition for janitors, meeting & announcements

From: mtoups@andrew.cmu.edu
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 04:26:50 EST

[ summary:
   1. petition/table tuesday 10:30-3:30
   2. meeting tuesday, 5pm women's ctr, agenda below
   3. announcements: n15 ftaa demo in pgh, clas lecture at cmu
  end summary ]

PWR folks:

--- 1.

we're tabling petitiong coming tuesday 11/11.
please sign up for a time and/or stop by during
class changes. UC commons area.
support equal rights for janitors at CMU!

10 am - jamie & alexa
11 am - jamie & alexa
12 am - Honora
1 pm - Honora (til 1:30)
2 pm - matt
3 pm - matt

--- 2.

5pm, CMU Women's Center (under sororities on maggie mo st.)

* table/petition report -- tue 11/11
* upcoming meeting with janitors -- sat 11/15
* upcoming meeting with VP-business admin
* MLK Day movie event -- 1/19
* pittsburgh anti-ftaa rally mobilization -- 11/15
* other global justice education stuff

come out and get involved with PWR!

--- 3.


(PWR folks will be going to the n15 demo and to n20 in miami --
come to the 11/11 meeting to get involved and come along)


November 15th Anti-FTAA Mass March and Rally for Global Justice!
1PM, MELLON SQUARE (downtown pittsburgh)

On Saturday, November 15th, Pittsburghers will be gathering downtown in
Mellon Square to oppose the Free Trade Area of the Americas - an
international business deal, disguised as a treaty that would create the
world's largest free market zone, affecting 650 million people and $9
trillion in capital. Basically an expansion of NAFTA to the rest of our
hemisphere, the FTAA allows corporations to bypass democratically adopted
environmental and worker protection laws, increasing corporate power while
endangering the lives of millions of people, disproportionately affecting
women and people of color. The FTAA threatens to commodify our lives by
turning over the control of our schools, electricity, water, and food to
corporations whose only interest is more profit.

The events begin at 1pm with a rally and musical performances by the Raging
Grannies, Radical Cheerleaders, Pittsburgh Slam Poets and Mike Stout (labor
folk/rock singer). The rally will feature speakers from the United
Steelworkers of America, the Thomas Merton Center, Save Our Transit, the
Pittsburgh Guatemalan Connection, Pittsburgh Organizing Group, and the local
Campaign to Stop the FTAA.

The permitted march commences at 3pm with a loop around the downtown core.

Over 30 groups representing local unions, non-profit groups, communities of
faith and public services advocates, have endorsed the rally and march,
including the Thomas Merton Center, United Electrical, Radio & Machine
Workers of America (UE), Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees
(SOAR), Pittsburgh Guatemalan Connection, Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG),
US Women's International League for peace and freedom - National & local
chapter) and the Progressive Student Alliance (CMU).

On the days following the event hundreds of local activists will travel to
Miami to take part in the massive convergence opposing the Nov 20-21st FTAA
ministerial meetings.

We hope to raise awareness of the negative affects of the FTAA on
Pittsburgh, uniting the various social forces being affected by
neo-liberalism and take action locally to reverse the process in the

For more details, call the Pittsburgh Campaign to Stop the FTAA at
412-361-3022 or visit our website at www.thomasmertoncenter.org/ftaa.



Taking the Blindfold Off: Youth Theatre, Empowerment
and the Creative Process in Post-Conflict Guatemala
Juana Pérez Gómez & Randall Shea of the Santa María Tzejá Middle School,
El Quiche, Guatemala

DATE: Wednesday, November 12, 2003
TIME: 4:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Carnegie Mellon University - Doherty Hall 2210
CONTACT: For more information e-mail Paul Eiss at pke@andrew.cmu.edu
or Therese Tardio at tardio@andrew.cmu.edu.

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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