(PWR) If you oppose the war in Iraq, say so now!

From: Daniel Papasian (dpapasia@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 15:05:39 EST

Hello People for Workers Rights!

I'm currently working on trying to get Senate to pass an anti-war
resolution, and only a handful of people have chipped in so far. I need
all of you who oppose this war to speak up and say so, email your senators
and CC a copy to the student president.

Get the word out to everyone. Get all of your anti-war friends to do the
same. It's of the utmost importance that we stand united!

-Daniel Papasian
Progressive Student Alliance, Senator (CIT)

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**Note: The following email is being sent by Daniel Papasian of the
Progressive Student Alliance. It is not, in any way, sanctioned by the
Carnegie Mellon Student Government or the Carnegie Mellon Undergraduate
Student Senate.**


On 20 February 2003, a resolution to condemn military action against Iraq
was introduced on the floor of the Carnegie Mellon University
Undergraduate Senate. Despite the fact that the Executive Committee of
Senate had blocked the legislation from being added to the agenda, and
despite the fact that there were prepared attempts to block the
legislation from even coming to debate, it is still on the floor and will
be addressed in the Senate meeting of 27 February 2003. (5:30 PM,

Read about the bill's struggle so far at

Now is the chance to make sure your voice is heard. This resolution will
pass if it gains the support of a simple majority of Senators, Senators
who are students just like you and me.

The resolution serves as a speaking point for what we feel is the majority
opinion here at Carnegie Mellon, and therefore concludes that the
Undergraduate Student Senate is opposed to military action against Iraq.
Towns, cities, and universities have all been passing similar resolutions.
UCLA, Grinnell, Cornell, Oberlin, Ithaca, University of Illinois,
University of Michigan- the list continues. Even locally, communities
have been passing similar resolutions. The Wilkinsburg Borough Council
passed an anti-war resolution on February 19th, and on February 22nd the
Pittsburgh City Council will be considering an anti-war resolution.

Many people have asked me if I thought it was inappropriate for a student
government to pass a resolution regarding an issue of international scope.
Perhaps, in some ways, it is- but it would be far more inappropriate for
us to remain silent while Bush wages a devastating war of aggression.

Make sure that you contact your Senators and let them know that you
support Student Senate representing the popular opinion by speaking out
against an unjust war. We ask that you email your senators (email address
can be found below), and CC a copy to the President of the Student Body,
Brian Namey. With the support of senators this resolution could pass, and
with President Namey's support many other Senators may be more likely to
endorse the resolution as well.

CIT senators cit-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
CFA senators cfa-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
H&SS senators hss-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
SIA senators sia-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
MCS senators mcs-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
SCS senators scs-senators@andrew.cmu.edu
BHA/SHS/BSA senators bha-senators@andrew.cmu.edu

Student Body President Brian Namey can be reached at sbp@andrew.cmu.edu

Feel free to include any other concerns you may have in your email. Your
senators are here to represent you, and believe it or not, Student
Government actually does stuff here at Carnegie Mellon. Besides
allocating nearly $70,000 a year to events for the student body, Student
Government plays a key role in acting as the official representative of
student concerns to the administration. So, let them know what you feel-
both about this resolution and any other concerns with life at Carnegie
Mellon that you may have.

And please, be polite in your emails. Senators (such as myself!) have
hard enough jobs as it is, and rudeness will only hurt our cause.


Progressive Student Alliance

Daniel Papasian (CIT Senator, PSA Treasurer)

| People for Workers' Rights
| United Students Against Sweatshops affiliate
| web: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/org/usas
| email: pwr@andrew.cmu.edu
| bboard: assocs.pwr-usas
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