Z Films Presents: "In Search of Palestine" narrated by Edward Said

From: Anthony D'Auria (apd@andrew.cmu.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 02:47:17 EST

This week, Z Films is screening "In Search of Palestine" (narrated by Edward
Said, author of "Orientalism").

7:00PM, Tuesday, November 6
2:00PM, Saturday, November 10
Porter Hall 100, CMU

The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 displaced much of the Arab
population, while those Palestinians who remain as 20% of Israel's people
live in an atmosphere of apartheid. For Israel's 50th anniversary, the BBC
asked literary critic, Columbia University professor, and Palestinian
expatriate Edward Said to visit the land and comment on the perspective we
see the least of in the West - particularly in America, where unquestioned
support for Israel is a huge corporate interest and a dominating factor in
foreign policy. The lucid and revealing film has only been publicly screened
in the US a few times, but it has a powerful countervailing effect on mass
media propaganda. Even its Israeli sound engineer was left questioning his
national identity, at the end of the shoot.

Both screenings will be followed by an open forum. If you'd like to help
publicize this event, please contact Stuart at soa@andrew.cmu.edu , and
visit Z Films at http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~apd/zfilms .

Hope to see you there,

Z Films

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