LeDuc, P.R.*, Messner, W.C.,* & & Wikswo, J.P.* How Do Controls Approaches Enter Into Biology? Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering (accepted).

Kim, Y, Joshi, S.D., Messner, W.C.*, LeDuc, P.R.,* Davidson, L.A.* Detection of Dynamic Spatiotemporal Response to Periodic Chemical Stimulation in a Xenopus Embryonic Tissue. PLoS ONE (accepted).

Wilson, M.E., Kota, N. Kim, Y., Wang, Y. Stolz, D., LeDuc, P.R.*, Ozdoganlar, O.B.*, Fabrication of Circular Microfluidic Channels by Combining Mechanical Micromilling and Soft Lithography. Lab on a Chip (accepted).

Kang, J., Steward, R.L., Kim, Y.T., Schwartz, R., LeDuc, P.R., Puskar, K.M., Response of an Actin Filament Network Model under Cyclic Stretching through a Coarse Grained Monte Carlo Approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology (accepted).

Cheng, C.-M., Dawson, J.T., Guo, Q., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Li, B.* Maskless fabrication of small-scale structures through controlling phase interactions. Applied Physics A (accepted).

Cheng, C.-M., LeDuc, P.R. Lin, Y.-W. Localized Bimodal Response of Neurite Extensions and Structural Proteins in Dorsal-Root Ganglion Neurons with Controlled Polydimethylsiloxane Substrate Stiffness. Journal of Biomechanics (accepted).

Steward, R.L., Cheng, C.M., Wang, D.L., & LeDuc, P.R.* Probing Cell Structure Responses Through a Shear and Stretching Mechanical Stimulation Technique. Cell Biochem Biophys 56, 115-124 (2010).

Huang, X., Ni, J., Yan, LeDuc, P.R., Yao, J., Lin, Q. Thermally Tunable Polymer Microlenses for Biological Imaging. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 19 (6), 1444-1449 (2010).

Singh, M.*, Gracio, J., LeDuc, P., Gonçalves, P., Marques, P., Gonçalves, G., Marques, F., Silva, V., Capela e Silva, F., Potes, J., Sousa, A. Integrated Biomimetic Carbon Nanotube Composites for In Vivo Systems. Nanoscale, 2, 2855-2863 (2010).

Kim, Y.T., Pekkan, K., Messner, W.C.*, & LeDuc, P.R.* Three-Dimensional Chemical Profile Manipulation Using Two-Dimensional Autonomous Microfluidic Control. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 1339-1347 (2010).

Cheng, C.M., Lin, Y-W, Bellin, R.M., Cheng, C.M., Steward, R., Cheng, Y.-R., LeDuc, P.R.*, & Chen, C-C* Probing Localized Neural Mechanotransduction through Surface-Modified Elastomeric Matrices and Electrophysiology. Nature Protocols 5 (4), 714-724 (2010).


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