Changes to the schedule will be announced in class.

  Date Problem Analysis Challenge
1 9/1 What's going on in the world? Pull down some sample packet captures and do some analysis.

2 9/8 How is data transferred between two machines? Explain when the physical location of a computer (router/switch/cable/etc) matters for traffic analysis.

3 9/15 How can I find out what's on my network? Given some sample data, develop a network profile.

4 9/22 How can we find things on networks? Explain how to find things--maybe your voip callee, or the physical location of your bank, or the package you just shipped--and explain why the results are trustworthy.

5 9/29 What happens when networks get large? Figure out what things simply will not scale for global enterprise networks.

6 10/6 How does the Internet work? Provide a technical explanation for some of the recent Internet "Failures" you've heard about in the news recently.

7 10/13 How can I set up a sensor grid? Conduct a cost/benefit analysis for building a global sensor grid.

Homework #3: Scans (due 10/20)

8 10/20 How important is the Internet to me? Given some sample data, develop network usage patterns and dependencies.

9 10/27 Why can't everyone just get along? Explain how to detect malicious activity with different types of sensors and determine if there is any value in trending activity over time.

10 11/3 What is Network Situational Awareness? Build a situational awareness model from your network data

11 11/10 How much should I care about what's going on in another country? Revise your situational awareness model with geopolitical feedback

12 11/17 Can you really wage war over a network? Explain how your situational awareness model can help you decide if you're at war.and whether you're winning.

  11/24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No Class
13 12/1 Has anything interesting happened lately? Extract the situational awareness data from recent events reported in the press

14 12/8 What have we learned from analysis? [Instructor will likely be on travel]
Finalize Your Situational Awareness Model