74-701 Introduction to Instructional Issues

Fall 2000

Last updated: August 27, 2000

Course announcements:

Welcome to the 74-701 course webpage.


Current assignments:

Please read the articles by Alan Schoenfeld and N. L. Gage handed out in class Tuesday (8/29) by Thursday's (8/31) class meeting.


Course overview

This course is designed to provide a broad view of the literature on educational research. In particular, we will discuss topics such as


By the end of the course, you should be able to apply these concepts in

                      Contact information

                 Keith Weber, Coordinator, 8-1177, kw2i+@andrew.cmu.edu, HBH 3043,

                 Ruth Chabay, HBH 3039B, 8-5714, rchabay@andrew.cmu.edu  

                 Dick Hayes, HBH 3029 and BH340-D, 8-2803, jh50@andrew.cmu.edu  

                 Marsha Lovett, HBH 3039C and BH254-N, 8-3499, lovett@andrew.cmu.edu  


The course meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:50 in Wean Hall 6423. You can download a copy of the course syllabus and a bibliography of the readings here.