Reference for Processing version 1.2. If you have a previous version, use the reference included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. If you prefer a more technical reference, visit the Processing Javadoc.



print("begin- ");
float f = 0.3;
int i = 1024;
print("f is " + f + " and i is " + 1024);
String s = " -end";

// The above code prints:
// begin- f is 0.3 and i is 1024 -end
Description Writes to the console area of the Processing environment. This is often helpful for looking at the data a program is producing. The companion function println() works like print(), but creates a new line of text for each call to the function. Individual elements can be separated with quotes ("") and joined with the addition operator (+).

Beginning with release 0125, to print the contents of an array, use println(). There's no sensible way to do a print() of an array, because there are too many possibilities for how to separate the data (spaces, commas, etc). If you want to print an array as a single line, use join(). With join(), you can choose any delimiter you like and print() the result.

Using print() on an object will output null, a memory location that may look like "@10be08," or the result of the toString() method from the object that's being printed. Advanced users who want more useful output when calling print() on their own classes can add a toString() method to the class that returns a String.
data boolean, byte, char, color, int, float, String, Object
Usage IDE
Related println()
Updated on June 14, 2010 12:05:29pm EDT

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