
Course Requirements, Evaluation and grading policy

There are six regular homework assignments. The lowest grade of the submitted regular homework assignments will be discarded.
There is one in-class mid-term, but no final exam.
Finally, there is one small-scale research project that students conduct under the guidance of the instructors. Deliverables for the project includes three homeworks.
Regular class-attendance is not graded, but strongly encouraged in order to benefit from this course.

Deliverables and Final-grade weighting %

  • 6 regular homeworks: 50% (10% each, lowest grad disregarded)
  • 3 project-related homeworks: 30% (20/ 20/ 60 pts each)
  • 1 midterm: 20%       

Course policies

Please email deliverables to the instructors on the due day prior to class. Alternatively, you can bring your submission to class and hand it in before class starts.

You are allowed one unexplained late homework in this course with a maximum submission delay of 48 hours (this delay cannot be split up among multiple home works). There is no penalty for this one late homework. For any other late homework there is a penalty of 50% grade reduction per late day.

Zero tolerance for plagiarism and cheating

Plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated in this course. Plagiarism means using words, ideas, or arguments from other people or sources without citation. To prevent plagiarism, cite all sources consulted to any extent (including material from the internet). Four or more words used in sequence must be set off in quotation marks, with the source identified. Cheating means copying answers from other people or sources, or providing someone with such information.

Any form of cheating will immediately earn you a failing grade for the entire course.  By remaining enrolled, you consent to this policy.  We will seek the harshest penalties under CMU’s policy on “Standards for Academic and Creative Life” and “Cheating and Plagiarism” in the Student Guidebook (aka The Word, online at

