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  History courses

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Number Title Units  
79-242 African-American History II 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-244 Pittsburgh and the Transformation of Modern Urban America 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-248 Ownership & Property in Historical Perspective:Land, Bodies, Ideas & Information 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-254 The Pacific Islands: History and Culture 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-262 Russia in the Eighteenth Century 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-264 Islam and Modernity 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-280 Russian History from the First to the Last Tsar 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-302 The Arts in Society: French Modernism 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-309 The Politics of American Military Recruitment: Historical Perspectives 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-314 Nationalities and the New States of the Former USSR 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-320 America in the 1950s 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-321 Picasso and 20th Century Art 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-329 Sex, Population, Birth Control 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-333 History of Biomedical Research 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-336 Epidemic Disease and Public Health 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-352 The Arab-Israeli Condition: War & Peace 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-358 Complex Technological Systems: Past, Present and Future 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-360 Photographers and Photography Since World War II 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-364 Art, Anthropology, and Empire 9.0 Add course to my schedule
79-365 Climate Change, Energy Policy and Environmental Protection 9.0 Add course to my schedule
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