Information for participants in CMU study
of the Value of uninterrupted electricity supply

My name is Sunhee Baik. I am a PhD student in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University.
As part of my research, I am exploring how people value the electricity they use in normal circumstances and when a power outage occurs.

What is the purpose of my study?

The information I collect in this study will help me understand how people use electricity in their homes and how much they value uninterrupted service. It will also give me some indication of which electric appliances people would want to use if they could receive limited service during an outage (20 amp service for the whole house). Finally it will give me some information about how people value various levels of reliable electric service.

Who can participate this study?

What will I ask you to do in this study?

I will begin by asking you to answer a number of questions about your electricity use. Then I will ask you to play some games that involve sorting cards to tell me more about your electricity use in different situations. I will also ask some questions about how you value different levels of electrical service.

If you would like to receive a summary of results when my study is completed, please fill in the mailing label I can give you.

Participation in this study is voluntary and your responses will be anonymous.

How long will it take to complete this survey?

I expect that it will take you roughly 30 ~ 45 minutes to complete the survey.

What are the benefits of participating in this study?

You will receive a $5 giftcard in exchange for your participation in this study through online. In addition, paricipation will help you to think in some new ways about how you value relaible electric service. However, rewards will be available only when you meet the conditions and finish this study.

For more information about this study please contact me: Sunhee Baik, 412-680-0412,, or my faculty advisor, Granger. Morgan, 412-268-2672

Please note that if you are not satisfied with the manner in which this study is being conducted, you may report any complaints to Carnegie Mellon's Institutional Review Board or 412-268-7166.


To confirm that you understand this study and agree before start, check box below. If you want to receive the result of this study, please write down your email address.

To receive the result, please write your email address here.