
Masonry Homework (10 pts)

Revised: 2008.02.04

Due Date: 2008.02.07


Part 1: In studio on Friday, 17 January 2008, you will form groups of four - five students each
(three groups/ studio x four studios = twelve groups).
Select a masonry oriented name for your team i.e. Team Voussoir, Team Corbel, etc.

Part 2: Between now and Wednesday design a portion of a masonry wall exploring the issues of pathos, opening, texture, pattern, coursing and/ or bonding using eighty (80) standard modular bricks and ten (10) eight inch concrete masonry units. Discuss the design with your studio professor and make whatever adjustments are deemed necessary.

Part 3: Document your design with a plan/ elevation drawings at a scale of 1 1/2"=1'-0". Bring the drawing to the Hands-On Masonry workshop and build your design from the supplied materials.

Part 4: Document your completed construction with digital photos and measurements. Present your work on the ANSI B drawing template, including dimensions, notes, photos, plans, elevations and an axo. Split up the drawing pages between your team members, but bind them as one submission. All team members will receive the same grade, so check each others work.

Grading Criteria

Dimensions/ Notes/ Accuracy/ Neatness/ Name
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts
2 pts