
The Design of a Point of Care Device to Diagnosis Stage I Pressure Ulcers


Todd Przybycien, PhD - Biomedical Engineering Department

Mel Siegel, PhD - Robotics Institute



The main objective of my PhD research is to design a point of care diagnostic tool for the quantitative identification of stage I pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a prominent and persistence problem in nursing homes and hospitals. Therefore pressure ulcer management strategies rely on early diagnosis and prevention. Early stage pressure ulcers are diagnosed by identifying persistent redness over a boney prominence. However, the variation in skin pigmentation poses a significant challenge when diagnosing pressure ulcers accurately in all patients since it masks the diagnostic cures of pressure ulcers.



Published Literature:

1. Gaspard, S.; Przybycien, T.; Siegel, M. "Skin-Color-Compensated Colorimeter for Detection and Classification of Pressure Ulcers," 2008, I., 'Ed.' IEEE: Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings, 2008, Victoria, BC, May 12-15 2007; pp 1542-1547

2. Gaspard, D. et al, inventor; 2007 November 27. Medical Device for Diagnosing Pressure Ulcers.  US 20090234206, pending.

Accepted Conference Abstracts:

1. Gaspard, S; Gaspard, S.; Przybycien, T.; Siegel, M.  A Point-of-Care Device for Quantitative Stage-I Pressure Ulcer Diagnosis Regardless of Skin Color . National Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA 2009.

2. Gaspard, S.; Przybycien, T.; Siegel, M. "Skin-Color-Compensated Colorimeter for Detection and Classification of Pressure Ulcers," IEEE: Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Proceedings,  2008, Victoria, BC.




· 2010 IEEE Change the World Competition - Outstanding Student Humanitarian


· 2010 National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators (NCIIA) BMEidea Honorable Mention

· 2010 IEEE New Faces of Engineering Recognition

· 2010 Donald H. Jones Center (DJC) Business Plan Competition Winner

· 2009 National Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Honorable Graduate Student Award

· 2009 Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovation Technology Prize for Primary Healthcare Finalist

· IEEE International Measurement University (2008,2009): 6 continuing education credits



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Sanna Gaspard

PhD Research