Biochemistry I - K Ion Movement
Potassium Transport

Vary the concentration of K in the box labeled [K], from 0.1 mM to 100 mM

  • Box 1 - rate of K movement with no channel in the membrane.
  • Box 2 - rate of K movement with K channels in the membrane. Note: This number is just the rate due to the channel (i.e. the rate with no channel has been subtracted from the total rate to give the reported rate).
  • Box 3 - same as box 2, but with 1 mM Rb+ present.
1. Enter values for [K] in this box:
[K] = mM
2. For the above values of [K] Calculate vi
vi = uM/min (No Chan)
vi = uM/min (K Chan)
vi = uM/min (K Chan+Rb)
(Each calculated vi value has a small "experimental error" added to it.)