Enzyme Inhibition Kinetics:
- You can add any concentration of substrate and inhibitor to the reaction tube. You want to keep the inhibitor concentration constant for any series of [S].
- a) Use the resulting values of vo to calculate 1/vo and 1/[S];
- b) Plot the data (both without and with added inhibitor) on a single double reciprocal plot;
- c) Determine and Vmax's and the slopes of each plot
- d) What type of inhibitor is this - competitive or mixed?
- e) Calculate KI, and if appropriate KI'
(Each calculated vo value has a small "experimental error" added to it.)
Hint: Ignore the data <10% and >90% Vmax when drawing a line. These values will have more relative error and they are not necessary to determine an accurate slope and intercept on the reciprocal plot.