Florida's Department of Elder Affairs: A Case Study

[ Table of Contents ] [ Case ] [ Bibliography ] [ Telecommunications Management ] [ Karen ] [ Gwyneth ]

Special thanks to:


  1. Internal Documents
  2. Books
  3. Journals and Periodicals
  4. Online Resources

Internal Documents

  1. 1995 - 1998 Florida Sate Plan on Aging, Management and Program Administration, 1995.

  2. State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs, An Introduction to its Mission, Programs, and Resources, 1995.

  3. State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs: Memorandum, Announcement of Stateide Toll-Free Number for Elder Information and Referral, March 31, 1994.

  4. State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs: Memorandum, 1993-94 Information and Referral Mission and Goals , December 17, 1993.

  5. State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs, Strategic Plan for Information Resource Management, FY 1995/96 - 1998-999, July, 1994.


  1. Andersen, David F. and Sharon S. Dawes. Government Information Management. A Primer and Casebook. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991.

  2. Cash, James I., Jr., F. Warren McFarlan, James L. McKenney, and Lynda M. Applegate. Corporate Information Systems Management. Text and Cases (Third Edition). Boston: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1992.

  3. Chackerian, Richard. The Florida Public Policy Management System: Growth and Reform. Tallahassee: Florida Center for Public Management, 1994.

  4. Issacon, Gerald I. "Security and Reliability Checklist." Auerbach Computer Technology Reports. Pennsauken, N.J.: Auerbach Publishers, Inc., 1976. Pages 3-11.

  5. Kellerman, Aharon. Telecommunications and Geography. New York: Belhaven Press, 1993.

  6. Levitan, Karen B., editor. Government Infostructures. A Guide to the Networks of Information Resources and Technologies at Federal, State, and Local Levels. New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.

  7. Murphy, John W. and John T. Pardeck. The Computerization of Human Service Agencies. A Critical Appraisal. New York: Auburn House, 1991.

  8. Schiller, Dan. Telematics and Government. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1982.

  9. Schmandt, Jurgen, Frederick Williams, and Robert H. Wilson. Telecommunications Policy and Economic Development: The New State Role. New York: Praeger, 1989.

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Journals and Periodicals

  1. Bacon, Chris N. "DP Fraud: Six Opportunities?" Infosystems, July 1986. Pages 32-34.

  2. Buss, Martin D.J. and Lynn M. Salerno. "Common Sense and Computer Security." Harvard Business Review, March-April 1984. Pages 113-119.

  3. Kotter, John P. "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail." Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1995. Pages 59-67.

  4. CMP Publications, Inc.

  5. Computer Magazine Article Searchable Database

  6. Federal Computer Week

  7. Government Executive

  8. Journal of Technology Transfer

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Online Resources

  1. Bureau of Elder and Adult Services, Maine

  2. Florida State Department of Elder Affairs via the Tallahassee Freenet.

  3. Florida State Government

  4. Florida WWW and Gopher Sites

  5. National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA), Committee on Applications and Technology. Putting the Information Infrastructure to Work. "Government Service Delivery: Reengineering Through Information Technology." 1994.

  6. National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program.

  7. North Carolina Public Information

  8. Office of Technology Assessment. Findings on Electronic Delivery Opportunities.

  9. United States General Accounting Office. Information Management and Technology Division. Meeting the Government's Technology Challenge: Results of a GAO Symposium. 1994.

  10. United States Government Resource Index

  11. United States Senate Aging Committee

  12. WWW Virtual Library: Communications and Telecommunications
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Last updated May 5, 1995.