from largest import largest from wages import pay, pay_table from make_triangle import make_triangle from vacation import vacation def test_all(): test_largest() test_pay() test_pay_table() test_vacation() test_make_triangle() print("All tests completed") def test_largest(): assert largest(10,100,0)==100 assert largest(300,100,500)==500 assert largest(700,300,500)==700 assert largest(-1,3,4)==4 print ("Largest: Test complete") def test_pay(): assert pay(10,15) == 150 assert pay(10,45) == 475.0 assert pay(10,40) == 400 assert pay(10,43) == 445.0 assert pay(10,44) == 460.0 print ("Test complete") def test_pay_table(): print ("PAY TABLE: You must check visually that your output looks like the following:") print ("Week 1 : 150") print ("Week 2 : 460.0") print ("Week 3 : 475.0") print ("Week 1 : 0") print ("Week 2 : 100") print ("Week 3 : 800") print ("Week 4 : 1250.0") print ("Here is your output:") pay_table(10,[15,44,45]) pay_table(20,[0,5,40,55]) print ("Test complete") def test_vacation(): places = ["San Francisco", "New York", "Orlando", "Philadelphia", "Chicago"] temps = [80,50,100,60,50] costs = [400,180,303,250,200] assert vacation(places,temps,costs,100)=="Orlando" assert vacation(places,temps,costs,59)=="Philadelphia" assert vacation(places,temps,costs,50)== "New York" assert vacation(places,temps,costs,130)== "Home" print ("VACATION: Test complete") def test_make_triangle(): print("MAKER TRIANGLE: You must check visually that your output looks like the following:") print ("*") print ("\n") print ("*") print ("* *") print ("* * *") print ("\n") print ("*") print ("* *") print ("* *") print ("* *") print ("* * * * *") print("Here is your output:") make_triangle(1) print ("\n") make_triangle(3) print ("\n") make_triangle(5) print ("\n") print ("Test complete")