95-733 Internet Technologies Spring 2009 Homework 3 Due Tuesday, September 29, 2009 ========== =============================== Simple Ruby On Rails Command Line Example ========================================= 1. Build an entire Ruby directory structure. I placed mine under the directory ~/mm6/www/95-733/examples. examples>rails rails1 2. Create a controller with ruby script. rails1>ruby script/generate controller say 3. Place this file (hello.rhtml) under app/views/say. Ruby says "Yo Mike". <%a = 32%>Ruby is <%=a%> degrees cool. 4. Run the web server (webrick). rails1>ruby script/server webrick 5. Visit the server. http://localhost:3000/say/hello Homework ======== Build a simple web application using Ruby on Rails. The first page will ask the user to enter two large integers. When the submit key is struck the controller will compute the sum and product of the integers. The view page will display this sum and product to the user. Compress the entire directory and submit to the assignment section of blackboard. Use .zip as the file name.