95-733 Internet Technologies Spring 2008 Due: Tuesday January 29 Midnight 1) Read the article by Philip McCarthy on Ajax at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-ajax1/ 2) Build a working Ajax shopping cart using the code from the article. I would recommend that you use Eclipse and Tomcat as demonstrated in class. 3) Add a button to each item displayed so that the user may delete items from the shopping cart. If an item is not currently in the cart then a delete request will be ignored. If a delete request causes a quantity to go to zero then the deleted item will be removed from the cart and no longer displayed. Note: In Eclipse, my solution looks like this: AjaxProject WEB-INF/src WEB-INF web.xml ajax1.js cart.js index.jsp That is, the two "js" files and the one "jsp" file are all under the project. They are not in the WEB-INF directory. The web.xml file is within the WEB-INF directory.