95-733 Internet Technologies Fall 2009 Due: Thursday September 3 Midnight 1) Read the article by Philip McCarthy on Ajax at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-ajax1/ 2) Build a working Ajax shopping cart using the code from the article. So that the TA's have an easy time grading the assignments, Netbeans and Glassfish will be used as demonstrated in class. 3) Add a button to each item displayed so that the user may delete items from the shopping cart. If an item is not currently in the cart then a delete request will be ignored. If a delete request causes a quantity to go to zero then the deleted item will be removed from the cart and no longer displayed. Note: In Netbeans, my solution looks like this: web WEB-INF/src WEB-INF web.xml and sun-web.xml ajax1.js cart.js index.jsp That is, the two "js" files and the one "jsp" file are all under the web directory in files view. They are not in the WEB-INF directory. The web.xml file is within the WEB-INF directory.