Blackboard Submission Guide Visit Upload your solution to the Assignment Section of blackboard. ================== 1. Go to NetBeans project folder (If you can't locate it, right-click on the project, go to 'Properties', select 'Sources' under 'Categories', look under 'Project Folder') 2. Zip up the entire folder along with your screenshots 3. Rename the file with your name and submit under the Assignments section in blackboard Guide to successful assignment submissions * Never submit your assignments to the digital dropbox. Always submit the assignments in the designated Assignment folder under assignments. * Implement all the parts in an assignment question. E.g. If a screenshot is to be submitted with 400 digits of precision, you are required to follow it. Screenshots with less 400 digits of precision will lose points. * Never double or triple zip your assignment submissions. i.e for one project there should be only one zip and not zip files within zip files. * Regarding the one week optional extension, your first late submission will take off your one week even it was late by only an hour. Any late submission after the first time will lose 10% of grade every day. Hence if you submitted project 2 late by 2 days and project 4 by 5 days, you will use up the one week optional extension on project 2 and in project 5 you will lose 50% of our grade. * Any questions regarding the grading should reach the TA's within one week posting that assignment's grade.