46-690 Object Oriented Programming III

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Course Information


Mike McCarthy
Office: Hamburg Hall 3028
Phone: (412) - 268-4657
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 3:30 – 5:00
Home Page www.andrew.cmu.edu/~mm6

Teaching Assistant

Guozhu (Patrick) Zhu 

email: pzhu@andrew.cmu.edu

Grading Scale

97.5 - 100 A+
92.5 - 97.4 A
90.0 - 92.4 A-
87.5 - 89.9 B+
82.5 - 87.4 B
80.0 - 82.4 B-


Between 2 and 3 Programming Projects equally weighted (50%)
Open book (with required text only) Final Exam 50%

Late Assignments

One assignment may be turned in late (up to one week) with no penalty. This policy is meant to cover such issues as job interviews, travel and so on. The other assignments must be turned in on time with a penalty of 10% per day late.

Policy on collaboration

Collaboration is not permitted. While it is fine to discuss projects with others it is a cheating violation when code is copied or shared. If a student is caught sharing his or her work with another, a score of zero will be assigned for that assignment. Likewise, if a student uses another's work when completing his or her own, a grade of zero will be assigned for that assignment.


Spring ’05 Mini 3

NY Wednesday  5:30 - 8:30 PGH Tuesday, Thursday 1:30-2:50


 C# How To Program

Deitel, Deitel, ListField, Nieto, Yaeger, Zlatkina

Prentice Hall

ISBN: 0-13-062221-4

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Last Updated January, 2005. Maintained by mm6@andrew.cmu.edu