Sample Curriculum:

Decision and Rational Choice

Game theory and decision theory have spread from the social sciences into ethics, evolutionary biology, artificial intelligence. The department's concentration in Decision Theory and Ratioanl Choice reflects the department's special strength in social philosophy, game theory and foundations of decision theory. This concentration reflects the research interests of four Philosophy faculty members, Horacio Arlo-Costa, Cristina Bicchieri, Teddy Seidenfeld, and Peter Vandeschraaf.The interdisciplinary thrust of the concentration is underscored by philosophy faculty jointly appointed in the department of Statistics and in the department of Social and Decision Sciences. A number of research grants in the area of Game Theory provide ample research opportunities for interested students.

This sample curriculum is offered to illustrate how the core requirements of the program can be met by a student interested in Decision and Ratioanal Choice. Students are encouraged to design programs attuned to their own interests.

Fall First Year

Spring First Year

Fall Second Year

Spring Second Year

Fall Third Year

Spring Third Year