Thank You, %YourName, for Your Help!

Here is a summary of the responses that you submitted:

Your Gender is %Gender

Your Age Group is %AgeGroup

Do you own a personal computer? %owncomp

The number of "regular" mail messages sent last month is %numsnailmail

Do you use the computer for personal messages?%Persmessages

The number of e-mail messages sent last month is %numemail

Do you use the computer for business messages? %Busmessages

How long you've been using a computer for e-mail: %emailtime

The number of e-mail messages received each week: %emailreceive

How often you check your e-mail: %emailcheck

Use of email greeting card services: %greetcard

Your home computer is connected via: %conecttype

The average monthly cost of your Internet connection is: %Cost

The places where you check your e-mail will have the word "on" beside them:
    Library: %Library     School: %School     Work: %Work     Home: %Home

Comments: %comments

Take a few minutes to look at the results pages that include a summary of responses for people who responded to this survey in April 2001!