33–759 An Introduction to Mathematical Physics
Autumn Semester 2011
(linear algebra, Hilbert spaces, complex analysis, and Green’s functions)

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Overview and purpose of the course

This course introduces four broad topics that are useful for understanding the physical world and for preparing new graduate students for research.   The emphasis will be to learn calculational tricks, rather than rigorous proofs.


11:30–12:20    Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Wean Hall Room 7316


  3:30–4:20    Thursdays, Wean Hall Room 7316

Office hours:

by arrangement


Hael Collins, Wean Hall Room 7414


Qi Fu, Wean Hall Room 7324


Sadri Hassani,
Mathematical Physics,
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999.


Week I

August 29–Sept 2

Finite-dimensional vector spaces; the definition of a vector space; subsets and subspaces; examples; dimensions; linear transformations; matrices

Week II

September 7–9

The kernel of a map; injective maps; surjective maps; bijective maps; isomorphisms; similarity transformations; the inner product; definition of an inner product; the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure; the Schwarz Inequality

Week III

September 12–16

Commutators; Hermitian transformations; Hermitian conjugation; orthogonal transformations; unitary transformations; expectation values; projections; the completeness relation

Week IV

September 19–23

Permutations; placement of indices; tensors; types of matrices; the determinant; its definition and properties; how to invert a matrix; cofactors; the trace; the spectral decomposition

Week V

September 26–30

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors; characteristic polynomial; characteristic equation; eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices; normal matrices; the square-root of a matrix

Week VI

October 3–7

Infinite-dimensional vector spaces; Fourier analysis; Fourier transforms; the Dirac δ-function; properties of the δ-function; Fourier transforms in multiple dimensions; the Gibbs phenomenon

Week VII

October 10–14

Hilbert spaces; Cauchy sequences; complete vector spaces; Banach spaces; the Parseval Inequality; the Bessel Inequality; square-integrable functions; the Riesz-Fischer theorem; the Stone-Weierstrauss theorem


October 17–19

Recurrance relations; orthogonal polynomials; the Rodriguez formula; the classical orthogonal polynomials; Hermite polynomials; Laguerre polynomials; Jacobi polynomials; Chebyshev polynomials; generating functions

Week IX

October 24–28

Complex analysis; the complex plane; de Moivre’s theorem; complex functions; complex derivatives; the Cauchy-Riemann condition; complex analyticity; the complex exponential; conformal transformations

Week X

Oct 31–Nov 4

Examples of conformal transformations; complex integration; the Cauchy-Goursat theorem; curves and contours; the Cauchy Integral Formula; the Darboux inequality; entire functions

Week XI

November 7–11

Taylor and Laurent series; convergence; radius of convergence; tests of convergence; zeros and singularities; three types of singularities; residues; the Residue Theorem; complex integration

Week XII

November 14–18

Definite integrals of rational functions; definite integrals of products of rational and trigonometric functions; definite integrals of trigonometric functions; principal values


November 21

Meromorphic functions; the Mittag-Leffler expansion

Week XIV

Nov 28–Dec 2

Multivalued functions; Riemann surfaces; branch cuts; integrating around a branch cut; the method of steepest descent; the Sitrling approximation

Week XV

December 5–9

Linear differential equations; first-order linear equations; second-order linear equations; integrating factors; second-order linear operators on a Hilbert space; Green’s functions; Green’s identities; boundary-value data; completely homogeneous problems; Green’s functions in higher dimensions