33–444 Particle Physics
Spring Semester 2013
(an introduction to the symmetries and laws of the standard model)

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Overview and purpose of the course

This course provides a fairly rigorous introction to particle physics.   We begin with a review of special relativity and particle kinematics before turing to a lengthy treatment of the symmetries of particle physics.   The second part of the course covers scattering theory and introduces the three gauge theories that make up our current theory of the subatomic world:   quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics, and the weak interactions.


8:30–9:20    Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Doherty Hall 200

Office hours:

by arrangement


Hael Collins, Wean Hall Room 7414


M. Sun, Doherty Hall MA 333


David Griffiths,
Introduction to Elementary Particles,
Wiley, 2008.


Week I

January 14–18

An introduction to the particles and forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force, the strong force); Yukawa’s force; matter (leptons and quarks)

Week II

January 21–25

Symmetries; the Lorentz group; boosts; the Minkowski metric; Poincaré transformations; particle kinematics; properties of Lorentz transformations:   lack of simultaneity, Lorentz contractions, time dilations, velocity addition

Week III

Jan 28–Feb 1

Energy and momentum; massless particles; colliding particles; symmetries, invariant tensors; rotations; parity; the orthogonal group; the definition of a group; representations of the Lorentz group:   scalars, vectors, tensors

Week IV

February 4–8

The action and Lagrangian; how to build a particle action; angular momentum; angular momentum eigenstates; raising and lowering operators; spin; SU(2)

Week V

February 11–15

Nonrelativistic fermions; representations of SU(2); products of representations; the Clebsch-Gordan decomposition; tensor representations; isospin SU(2)

Week VI

February 18–22

Discrete symmetries; parity; quantum numbers; parity violation; Wu’s experiment; charge conjugation; G-parity; CP-violation; the Fitch-Cronin experiment; time-reversal

Week VII

Feb 25–March 1

Fermions; generators of the Lorentz group; (s+,s) representations, how to build a relativistic action for fermions; Weyl equation; Weyl spinors


March 4–6

Dirac spinors; γ-matrices [Midterm examination]

Week IX

March 18–22

Fermion bilinears; Dirac’s equation and its solutions; electrons and positrons; Quantum Electrodynamics; Fμν; the vector field Aμ; the action for the photon; coupling light with matter; charge; gauge symmetries; gauge fixing; photon polarization; the completeness relation

Week X

March 25–29

The Feynman rules; propagators and vertices; Møller scattering; perturbation theory; a list of scattering processes in QED; spin sums and spin averages; the fermion completeness relation; traces of γ-matrices

Week XI

April 1–5

Scatterings and decays; decays (Γ); the cross-section (σ); the geometry of a scattering; the differential cross-section; inclusive and exclusive cross-sections; luminosity; Fermi’s Golden Rule (phase space); Γ for a decay into two particles

Week XII

April 8–12

Scattering; two-body scattering; Quantum Chromodynamics; the electrodynamics of quarks at high energies (R); non-Abelian gauge theories; SU(2), SU(3)


April 15–17

The gauge-invariant kinetic energy; the Feynman rules for QCD; pair annihilation (q-qbar to glue-glue)

Week XIV

April 22–26

Tensor representations of SU(3); Young tableaux; Weak interactions; chiral fermions; several odd things about the weak interactions; SU(2)L; charged currents; electroweak mixing; the origin of mass; mixings amongst different generations

Week XV

April 29–May 3

Mass eigenstates and gauge eigenstates; the origin of CP-violation in the standard model; spontaneous symmetry breaking; the Abelian Higgs model; the genuine SU(2) Higgs model