Secrets From the Crypt

David Kosbie

Many of the talks within the seminar series are specialized: Homework, Grading, First-Year Courses, Code reviews, etc. This talk is more broad. It is about Teaching. Just teaching. And, all of teaching. In it, I'll reflect on why I do it, how I do it, what I've learned from doing it, and, why (nearly) every day is a rewarding, challenging, sometimes frustrating, and often wonderful adventure.

Some words that come to mind are Passion, Aiming high, Supporting students, Innovating, and Having fun!

With luck, you'll leave sharing my excitement, pick up a few pearls, and depart to your own adventure. But, if not, you'll still have enjoyed the free pizza and drinks.

Carpe diem!

More great talks! See the Talks About Teaching schedule.